Monday, 14 September 2015

More Autumn

Hello World!
another autumn outfit incoming. i really love to wear my favourite clothes on a daily basis. this is definitly one of the best parts of a capsule wardrobe. only well fitting, beloved pieces.

Did i already say how much i love autumn? Layering is so much more fun! #project333 #capsulewardrobe

Ein von Kathrin Holzmann (@madame_snowhitepink) gepostetes Foto am

i am wearing one of my basic black long sleeves, my favourite vest which is i think back from 2006 or so and a H&M skirt anno 2007. i really love this skirt because it feels so lovely and the length is just perfet. i allways have problems on finding skirts with the right length.

Be excellent to each other!
Madame Snowhitepink

Friday, 11 September 2015

reading challenge 07: middlesex

hello world
liest die frau eigentlich noch? ja tut sie schon, hat nur irghendwie keinen kram gebloggt. ich werde über die nächsten wochen versuchen die beiträge über die bücher nachzuholen die ich gelesen habe.

middelsex ist der zweite roman von Jeffrey Eugenides für den er ausserdem einen pulitzer preis bekommen hat.

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

The munster mash

hello world!
here is one of my favorite outfits for autumn. i love it because you can easy adjust it by adding another layer of clothes to it. i always love layering. the leggins are also a piece i was having an eye on for a long time. i bought them already some time ago at the wave gothic treffen this year. they are from the brand banned and usually quite expensive for a pair of leggins but i got them for a special festival price.

Ready for the munster mash. #project333 #whatiwore #frankenstein

Ein von Kathrin Holzmann (@madame_snowhitepink) gepostetes Foto am

beside that leggins i wear just a standard tanktop from h&m and my favorite black plain shirt from the second hand shop i bought 3 years ago

be excellent to each other
Madame Snowhitepink

Monday, 7 September 2015

first outfit of atumn capsule

hello world
as mentioned in another post i had to replace some things for this autumn. here is one of those pieces. these trousers i bought from emp. i was looking at them since some time and now i finally bought them. as you might now i own a pretty similar pair in grey and black which got sorted out instead.

First outfit of autumn capsule <3 love my new trousers #project330 #iloveautumn #capsulewardrobe

Ein von Kathrin Holzmann (@madame_snowhitepink) gepostetes Foto am

the rest of the outfit is pretty well known, old belt which i own since 2006 or so, plain black off-schoulder shirt and my favorite lipstick which is sleek vamp. and some might have spottet a new accessor on my wrist which is the classical casio watch. i am now finally member of the club

uh and yep i finally got on instagram, so follow me also there if you want.

be excellent to each other
Madame Snowhitepink

Friday, 4 September 2015


hello world
ich brauchte ein paar tage um wieder zurück in die realität zu kommen, weswegen mein camp bericht etwas spät kommt. ich wollte aber defintiv noch ein bisschen was dazu schreiben weil es mich einfach so sehr beeindruckt hat und ich versuchen möchte ein-zwei gefühle mit euch zu teilen.

zuersteinmal what the hack is cccamp. das chaos communication camp findet seit dem jahr 1999 alle vier jahre im berliner dunstkreis statt. anders als eine "normale" konferenz streffen sich die hacker hier unter freiem himmel. damit niemand auf comfort verzichten muss, gibt es natürlich internet und strom. ein gigantischer aufwand wird und wurde auch dieses jahr wieder betrieben um das camp gelände zu einem paradies für hacker und ihre freunde und familien zu machen.

ich war dieses jahr teil des Open Code Town villages, welches eine lustige zusammenwürfelung von leuten aus der ruby community war. wir hatten ein extra großes zelt gemietet und haben das ganze wochenende gemeinsam mit node school tolle vorträge und workshops gehalten.

vor allem jenseits der üblichen conferenz aktivitäten wie workshops und vorträgen bietet das camp so viel zu erleben und zu sehen. angefangen natürlich bei der gestaltung des camps selbst. so zeigte sich das camp, sobald es dunkel wurde, wieder von seiner schönsten seite. wieder einmal haben die menschen hinter blinken lights ein stück natur in eine magische voll glitzer und licht verwandelt. auch das kleine hängematten wäldchen inklusive disco kugel durfte ebensowenig fehlen wie die große camp rakete.

der ziegelei park selbst bot ausserdem noch einige besondere attraktionen. die vielen gleise, machten es dem veranstalter nicht nur unnötig schwer das camp aufzubauen sondern hatten auch einen praktischen nutzen. dort fuhren nämlich mehrere kleine bahnen entlang mit denen man fahren konnte. einer der züge wurde vom ccc-team und den besuchern selbst umgestaltet und beinhaltete somit eine bar und ein eigenes bällebad! best place on earth, sag ich mal ;) die kleine bummelbahn konnte man unter anderem dazu benutzen zu einem badeteich zu fahren. das war auch wirklich nötig bei den glutheißen temperaturen während dem wochenende. etwas weiter ausserhalb gab es noch einen weiteren großen see in dem man baden und einige weitere teiche in denen man angeln konnte.

es gäbe sicher noch tausend weitere dinge aufzuzählen, wie die slushy maschine, die automatische crepe maschine (alettomat) oder das cybersex zelt. ich lass jetzt einfach noch ein paar der bilder sprechen die ich mit meiner kleinen analogkamera gemacht hab und schwelge in erinnerungen.

be excellent to each other
Madame Snowhitepink

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

oh wow one year

hello world
i just blinked and another season rushed away. i did not manage to take any more outfit pictures because life just happend to me. so i finally moved into a new flat, did go to the amazing cccamp15 and survived summer without getting a real sunburn.

but now as the days get shorter, the weather more styling friendly and most of the boxes are emtpy i feel refreshed and motivated again.

one year ago i started this blog because i wanted to minimalize my closet and declutter my life. a lot did change over the time. i did loose some kilograms, learned new things, did some nice diys and made new friends but had also to let go some other people out of my life.

but i managed to stay with my good promises about capsule wardrobe and did pick up the pieces from last year. unfortunaetly (and it's really a first world problem) some of the pieces don't fit anymore because of my weight change. so i will use some time to present you some of my new clothes in the next days and try to take some new outfit pictures.

be excellent to each other
Madame Snowhitepink

Monday, 8 June 2015

Ein Sommer in Berlin

Hello World
entschuldigt das es hier solange ruhig war auf dem blog. in den letzten monaten ist so viel passiert, das ich keine zeit zum bloggen hatte. viel gutes aber auch einiges schlechtes. aber jetzt sehe ich ein licht am ende des tunnels. der sommer hat einzug in berlin gehalten und ich habe es am wochenende meine neue capsule wardrobe zusammen zu stellen. bilder folgen in den nächsten tagen. dafür heute direkt das erste outfit.

die shorts hatte ich bereits in meiner nicht-wirklich-existenten frühjahrs garderobe und habe ich vor 3(?) jahren bei forever 18 gekauft. das oberteil ist neu, ebenfalls forever 18. die schuhe sind von H&M letztes jahr genauso wie der hut.

besondere aufmerksamkeit möchte ich noch auf die kette lenken. sie hat ungeschliffene amethyste als anhänger. ich habe schon lange nach so einer kette gesucht und habe sie bei einem tollen händler namens YATORA auf dem RAW flohmarkt in der revaler straße gekauft. die haben auch einen online-shop bei DaWanda

ist schön wieder hier zu sein, bald also wieder mehr und öfters von mir!
Hugs n Kisses
Madame Snowhitepink

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Formal Thursday

hello world!
as an it-girl i usually work in a very casual environment. most people just don't care about what they're wearing. nerd t-shirts and jeans are our daily bussiness. but somethimes even we get bored, therefore we did invent the formal thursday.
formal outfits are one of my exceptions of my capsule wardrobe. as you know, i am kinda very bored with my winter capsule (that's why i don't show much outfits right now). but i wanted to share with you one of my fancy formal thursday outfits.
i am wearing a high-waist lace skirt, a new ribbon belt from zalando and one of my basic black shirts.
do you also have a special occasions wardrobe? what do you wear for work?
Hugs n Kisses
Madame Snowhitepink

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Reading challenge 05: What if

Hello world!
let's go further with my readinglist. The next book i did choose was "What if" from Randall Munroe. He is the artist and author of the famous xkcd comic. In this book Randall answers questions from his readers. As he is not only a humorist person also a guy of science and did study physics. Therefore the book is hilariously funny and also scientificly correct. For every question Randall did a lot of research to find a precise answer to it. Most of the time, everyhting is blowing up or on fire in the end. Which is kinda correct for physics people.

i had a lot of fun reading it and more than once i laughed into tears in the s-bahn on my way to work. So if you love science, xkcd or explosions, go and buy that book.
Hugs n Kisses
Madame Snowhitepink

Monday, 23 February 2015

Reading challenge 04 Naokos Lächeln

hello world!
weiter gehts in der reading challenge. Nach den Anfängen des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts im steampunk universum mache ich einen Zeitsprung in die 60er und 70er Jahre Japans. Tokyo um genau zu sein.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Reading challenge 03

Hello world!

Als drittes Buch habe ich mir Aetherresonanz von Anja Bagus ausgesucht. Es ist "das Buch das ich schon eine besitze, aber bisher nicht gelesen habe". Das passiert mir normalerweise eher nicht so, weil ich selten mehr als ein Buch gleichzeitig kaufe. Hier ist es nur passiert, weil ich das Buch verlegt hatte. Es war irgendwo in den Untiefen einer Handtasche vergraben die ich lange nicht benutzte und irgendwie geriet das Buch dann in Vergessenheit. Es fiel mir erst wieder ein als ich über die Bücher der challenge nachdachte.

Zum eigentlichen Inhalt des Buches. Es ist der zweite Band von Anja Bagus zu ihrer Romanhelding Annabelle Rosenherz. Seit den Ereignissen des letzten Bandes ist ein wenig Zeit verstrichen und Paul wünscht sich das Annabelle endlich einen Termin für die Hochzeit festlegt. Ein Besucher aus Russland macht die Situation zwischen den beiden nicht Einfacher. Als dann Hinweise über den Verbleib ihres Vaters auftauchen beschließt Annabelle allein den ehemaligen Freund ihres Vaters aufzusuchen. Und Natürlich stolpert sie so mitten in ein neues Abenteuer.

Auch der zweite Band konnte mich vollends begeistern. Er kommt ohne große Klischees daher und hat einen packende Geschichte. Die Handlungen der Charaktere sind immer nachvollziehbar, vor allem wenn man ehrlich zu sich selbst ist und in derselben Situation stecken würde wie die Figuren. Ich denke also ich werde mir auch den dritten Band Aethersymphonie noch zu Gemüte führen.

Hugs n Kisses
Madame Snowhitepink

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Reading challenge 02

Hello world!

Als zweites Buch für die reading challenge hatte ich mir "Maurice der Kater" von Terry Pratchett ausgesucht. Es ist aus der "Märchen in der Scheibenwelt" Reihe.

Monday, 9 February 2015

let me be your wicca

Hello world!
Right now i am in love with those classical goth wicca style. With a lot of layers, moon symbols and crystals. Luckily this is kind of hipster style right now, so it's easy to get some nice accessoires in the stores. At claires i found this faboulus earrings. I am pretty sure the crystal there is just black colored glass, but i can life with that.

I also wear my knitted cape from froever 21, black jersey dress from new yorker and some random black tights.

Friday, 30 January 2015

Layer cake

Hello world!
Some days ago it was really freezin cold in the city somehow -2 degrees celcius. I am wrapping up then with many layers to finally look like a tiny burrito. Other people on the street i saw with just some leather jackets wide open. I was freezing just by looking at them. Here is how i layer up when it is cold.

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Sleek Vamp

Hello world!
i have a new big love, his name is Vamp and its a sleek lipstick. i bought that lipstick on special sale from amazon together with the vintage romance palette and blush. I was sneaking around that lipstick for quite long time but i was so unsure about my hair color that i did feel confident enough to buy it. But now i am used to my new hair color and was pretty sure i could rock that color. And now i love it so much i wear it almost every second day.

Monday, 26 January 2015

Still the favorite

Hello world!
You will remember the skirt from this outfit. it has been my favorit skirt from the fall capsule and is still my number one. Another favorite from my fall capsule is this necklace. it is just minimalistic but great for variations because it has three different necklaces with difference length in it. so interesting enough, and fits to many necklines

I waer it together with a basic black shirt from dorothy perkins.

Hugs n Kisses
Madame Snowhitepink

Friday, 23 January 2015

I love those jeans

Hello world!
i have to say, i totally love my new jeans from this seasons capsule. i did wear it 3 or 4 times now. The jeans are very comfy and are combined easily with any of my tops. may it be tees or the pullovers. the denim is very soft, but also quite thick. so perfect for the berlin rainy winter weather.

I wear the jeans together with my Serenety teefury-shirt and my new wrap cardigan from about-you.

Hugs n Kisses
Madame Snowhitepink

Monday, 19 January 2015

Stay on the easy side

Hello world!
in the last few weeks i don't feel like fancy dressing. So most of the time i wear comfy clothes in "ready to go" combinations. but to put something extra on i am playing around more with makeup and accessoires. so it is with this outfit where i think the necklace makes most of it.

i wear my black high-waist jeans and a pullover with lace detail. you know both already from my fall wardrobe, as there was not much exchange trough the seasons.

Hugs n Kisses
Madame Snowhitepink

Friday, 16 January 2015

More comfort zone

Hello world!
i love comfy clothes, and especally on those days in winter when the sun never shows up and you want to stay under your blanket in your bed. For such times, there are those faboulus soft jersey clothes and wrapping cardigans.

I wear, woolen tight from H&M, basic black t-shirt from cottON, jersey hip tube with lace from aboutyou and wrapping cardigan also from aboutyou

Hugs n Kisses
Madame Snowhitepink

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

2015 reading challenge

Hello world!
its around the internet since weeks and i am also participate the 2015 reading challenge. I am not sure if i will be able to read 52 books, so i will try to check as much as possible categories with each book. My second private rule is, that i only read books which i never have read before.

I plan to keep you on the track on what i am reading actually and what categories the book will check. We will see how far i get. I already started to make a list on books i want to read especally for the categories that are harder to fullfill. I will read mixed in english and german but i think most of the books will be in german, because it's easier to get them at the library.

i will start with "The great Gatsby" as my romance. I wanted to read it since some time and so its my starter book. Also its not so big which is good so i can finish it quickly.

Is anyone of you also participating the reading challenge? did you already fulfill more than one category? How are your personal rules?

Hugs n Kisses
Madame Snowhitepink.

Monday, 12 January 2015

i got colorful

Hello world!
interestingly my winter capsule wardrobe is more colorful than my autumn wardrobe. well let's say more colorful for me ;). i totally love my new pullover. it is made out of very soft fabric and the neckline gives it a special and interesting look.

Hugs n Kisses
Madame Snowhitepink

Friday, 9 January 2015

Welcome to defiance

Hello world!
this is my first winter capsule outfit. recently i started watching the scifi tv-series defiance. i already fell in love with it about its look and style. its somehow like firefly, mixture between wild west and post-apokalypse. i totally love it! so i tried to recreate the signature style of mayor amanada rosewater.

I wear my new cape, i already love it. it is comfy, fluffy and warm. Perfect for post-apokalyptic winter.

Hugs n Kisses
Madame Snowhitepink

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Winter capsule wardrobe

Hello world!
a new year started and also a new season inside my wardrobe. the snowy season did start some weeks ago. it can now snow until april (hopefully not) but i defintifly have to wrap up more. i feel very comfy with my wardrobe right now but i had to make some exchanges for winter.

these are the clothes that did not make it into the winter capsule for the one or other reason. the blazer, and the classic vans are just not made for the actual weather. the fluffy west and the cardigan i did not wear even once in the last three months so it has to go. same for two of the pullovers which i only did wear once each. i did discover that the handbag is just to small to hold even my purse, so it also has to go. the cord trousers and that pair of boots have been not in the best condition when i started the autumn wardrobe, and so they broke in the last few weeks completely. the dress moves over to my party-related wardrobe. it makes space for a self knitted dress which i was not able to finish until now.

i did show you my order from about you some weeks ago. unfortunately these trousers did not fit also the flattery skrit. so i had to send these things back. but i did go shopping last week and there i did finally find two new, well fitting jeans and a pullover. i also did buy a poncho/cape. i first was thinking about knitting it on my own, but when i was shopping there was a huge discount on that cape so it did cost only 5 €. if i would knit it by myself the wool alone would cost me more, so i bought it.

  • 1. new cardigan from about you
  • 2. new pullover from forever 18
  • 3. new cape, also forever 18
  • 4. new jersey skirt with lace on the bottom from about you
  • 5. new jeans from s oliver
  • 6. second new jeans from s oliver
  • 7. thick warm wool coat i bought last year at peek und cloppenburg
  • 8. warm and waterproof boots from geox, i own since several years

so that makes 11 out and 8 in which means that my wardrobe did shrink. i am pretty happy about that and super excited for new combinations. send out the white ravens, i am prepared.

Hugs n Kisses
Madame Snowhitepink

Monday, 5 January 2015

A bat new year

Hello World!
I'm back after two weeks of christmas/new-year vacation. I hope everyone could enjoy some free time and starts refreshed and relaxed intleftewmargin-left:10px; year.